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Młodzież Kruczka uczestniczy w obchodach Dnia Niepodległości, na zdjęciu poczet sztandarowy

Independence Day

487 350 I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Leona Kruczkowskiego w Tychach


We started celebrating these exceptional ceremonies on Friday, November 8, 2019, by conducting a group stage of the School Oxford Debate Tournament on Silesian topics. The tournament was entered by 8 teams of first classes, both “new” and “old” high school. All the teams had previously participated in workshops preparing for the Oxford style debates, conducted by the history teacher Lucyna Staniczek.

In the group phase, each team had to prepare for the defense or rebuttal of the thesis: “It’s easy to love Upper Silesia. The debates were conducted in alphabetical order of the groups (from A to D), and the membership in the relevant group was determined by the drawing of lots. In this stage the winners were teams of 1d1-n, 1e-n, 1ce-n, 1ce-n and 1e.

On Tuesday, 12 November, a short concert of songs by Silesian insurgents took place in the school common room, combined with presentations about the culture of Upper Silesia.

The semi-final and final of the School Oxford Debate Tournament is scheduled for 14 November. In the semi-final, four teams will face each other – the winners of the group stage. All debates will be evaluated by a jury composed of history teachers. The thesis of the semi-final stage will be “The economy of Upper Silesia needs a profound change”.

For the finals, teams must prepare the thesis “The Silesian Uprisings brought more benefits to the Second Republic than to Upper Silesia”.


Zdjęcie ze strony UM Tychy, informujące o Budżecie Partycypacyjnym

Athletics for everyone

911 385 I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Leona Kruczkowskiego w Tychach

Thank you to all those who voted for us!

In 2019, once again, schools could use the opportunities of the Civic Budget by submitting to it a project that would involve modernization of the facility and at the same time would be open to the residents of Tychy.

Athletics for everyone – land development at High School No. 1, which is the title of a project prepared by Jarosław Grabowski and Marcin Nycz, teachers of physical education at Leon Kruczkowski High School No. 1, provides for the construction of a 100-metre-long tartan track, a distant jumping hill and a street workout field around the school, i.e. physical activity consisting in the use of elements of urban development or equipment for exercises based on calisthenics.

Participation in the action of winning votes for projects submitted within the framework of the Civic Budget was a success. Many residents of Tychy voted for the Athletics project for everyone. They gave a total of 11 255 points. Thank you very much!

Thanks to your commitment, the school will be enriched with new sports facilities.


Grupa szachistów uczestniczyła w zawodach, z powodzeniem, na zdjęciu uczniowie klas 1, 2 i 3.

Chess players in the finals

1024 767 I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Leona Kruczkowskiego w Tychach

The team of the school in instant chess won the semi-finals and advanced to the finals of secondary schools, which will soon be held in Częstochowa. Congratulations

Wolontariusze Kruczka zwiedzali dom rodzinny rodziny Ulmów,

Volunteers in Markowa

1024 768 I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Leona Kruczkowskiego w Tychach


On October 31, the eve of All Saints’ Day, a group of volunteers from KRUCZEK took part in an educational trip organized by the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Oświęcim. The purpose of the trip was to visit the Museum of Poles Saving Jews during World War II, opened three years ago, named after the Ulma Family in Markowa. The Museum, on the one hand, refers to the Yad Vashem Institute in Jerusalem, and on the other hand, it resembles a country cottage, behind which there is an orchard. Its aim is to commemorate all the Poles who contributed to the rescue of our elder brothers in the faith during the Holocaust. The plaques in the Orchard of Remembrance show places whose inhabitants were honored with the Medal of the Righteous Among the Nations. We found such places here as Mikołów, Bujaków or Borowa Wieś. In the courtyard of the Museum there are plaques with the names of Poles from Podkarpacie who gave their lives for helping Jews. Among them is the Ulma family from Markowa: Wiktoria and Józef and their six children, who were murdered on March 24, 1944 for hiding an eight-person group of Jews. Volunteers lit candles at the Monument to the Ulma Family and on their grave. In connection with the educational activity of the Museum, the volunteers took part in an interesting workshop “Markowa – Holocaust Remembrance Trail”, which was conducted by the Museum employees. We also learned that in 1937 our Patron Leon Kruczkowski stayed in Markowa on the occasion of the premiere of “Kordian i cham”.


Zdjęcie ucznia klasy 3d2, Mateusz powołany do Kadry Narodowej z pucharem

Mateusz in U-20 national team

708 490 I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Leona Kruczkowskiego w Tychach

Mateusz Ubowski, a student of class 3d2, was called up to the U-20 team for a November training camp in Sanok and friendly matches with Belarus, Ukraine and Lithuania, which will be played in Ukrainian Breweries.

Na zdjęciu wyniki wyborów do Rady Młodziezowej


1024 517 I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Leona Kruczkowskiego w Tychach

On 9th October the primary election for the Polish parliament took place in our school.

Our students could vote for the following political parties: KW Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe,

KW Prawo i Sprawiedliwość, KW Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej, KW Konfederacja Wolność i Niepodległość

and KW Koalicja Obywatelska.

The attendance rate was 54%, the highest of 66%- amongst second graders.

We are thankful to the electoral committee for holding the election and counting the votes.

Zdjęcie informujące o stypendium Tyskie Orły


820 312 I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Leona Kruczkowskiego w Tychach

We are happy to announce that the following students:
Agnieszka Czapska, III C1
Gabriela Czapska, I E
Aleksandra Jarosz, I D2
Aleksandra Lewandowska, III E2
Piotr Ludynia, III E2
Sylwia Mann, II D2
Julia Mazur, I D2
Anna Waszyńska, I E-N
have been granted the “Tyskie Orły” scholarship.
We congratulate them on their success.

Na zdjęciu wolontariusze Kruczka w Auschwitz, podczas spotkania z więźniami i konferencji

Volunteers in Auschwitz

1024 768 I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Leona Kruczkowskiego w Tychach

On 4th October students from our school worked as volunteers in the National Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum

for the first time. They helped organise a ceremony commemorating the 75th anniversary of Transport of Łódź.

After the ceremony, our students lit candles at the International Memorial of Concentration Camp Victims.

eco-minded Uczniowie klasy 3d2, grupa ekologiczna


960 960 I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Leona Kruczkowskiego w Tychach

Eco-minded is a social project organised in our school for the olympiad called ‘Zwolnieni z teorii’. Its purpose is to educate people on global warming and ways everyone can help the environment. As part of this initiative there will be ‘eco-lessons’ conducted by a team of students from class 2d2, as well as a meeting with professionals and activists. We invite you to keep track of the next steps of the team on the project’s social media page.

Klasa 3c na wycieczce w Żabnicy, na Hali Boraczej

Betula Pendula

1024 576 I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Leona Kruczkowskiego w Tychach

What is Betula pendula? Which plant signifies a high level of nitrogen in the soil?

Why do spruces fall over so easily due to strong winds? Those are some of the questions students from grade 2c can now answer thanks to having gone on a science camp in Żabnica at the turn of October. During the camp, they took classes in environmental biology of Beskid Żywiecki and studied various plants while having lots of fun.