

There are people around us who experience violence
– physical or psychological. Don’t be indifferent, don’t close your eyes to someone being hurt.

If the violence concerns you or you see something disturbing in the appearance or behaviour of a schoolmate, report it to your class teacher, school teacher or school principal as soon as possible.

In our city there are also institutions established to react in similar situations. You can contact them directly. These are:

City Police Headquarters Bielska 46, Tychy tel. 997 or 112 or 32 32 32 56 200.
Crisis Intervention Centre Nowokościelna 27, Tychy tel. 32 227 05 75
BLUE LINE tel. 32 322 70 04 daily 8.00 am – 8.00 pm
“Trzeźwość Życia” Association Nałkowskiej 19, Tychy tel. 32 720 52 42 (Monday – Friday between 10:00 and 16:00)
Municipal Social Welfare Centre al. Budowlanych 59, Tychy tel. 32 227 35 40
NZOZ MENS SANA Psychological Support Centre for Addiction Prevention and Treatment ul. Bukowa 20, Tychy tel. 32 327 51 83, 605 637 072
Psychological and Pedagogical Clinic Andersa Street 16, Tychy tel. 32 227 23 92
Polish National Emergency Lines for Victims of Domestic Violence 0 801 12 00 02
Danuta Fastnacht, ul. Barona 30 room 209, Tychy, tel. 608 054 760