Oxford Debates

  • 15 November 2022

Oxford Debates

768 1024 I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Leona Kruczkowskiego w Tychach

National Independence Day and Oxford Debates Tournament

On 14th November the school celebrations of the National Independence Day began with the first stage of the Oxford Debates Tournament, in which 4 teams of second graders took part. All the teams had been preparing for the debates during special extracurricular classes organised by Mrs. Lucyna Staniczek.

In the first phase the teams were asked to prepare for discussing the following topics:

  1. Learning classical languages (Latin and Greek) is useful in today’s world.
  2. European civilisation owes a lot to Ancient Greece than Rome.

The celebrations were completed with a patriotic concert given by Kruczek’s Artistic Group supervised by Mrs. Anna Mirowska.

On 15th October the final debates on the topic ‘II Republic of Poland was the country of success’ were held.  The 2d1 team came first. Congratulations!