English Language Day

  • 28 March 2021

English Language Day

560 560 I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Leona Kruczkowskiego w Tychach

English Language Day

English Language Day took place on 25 and 26 March.

On Thursday, an online English competition was held for first graders. The winners of the competition were:

1st Helena Pyrsch 1d2

2nd place ex aequo Maria Bernacka 1e and Robert Wątor 1d1

3rd Piotr Duda 1d1

The English Day programme also included a lecture entitled “A short introduction to photography and photographic projects” by Julien Grasset – the Head Deputy of the DAAC (Academic Delegation for Arts and Culture), Grenoble, France – who introduced our students to the topic of street photography and talked about the European project Pixel on Tour. The lecture was attended by classes 2 e, 2e-n, 2d1n and 2d2n.

The next lecture was attended by students of 2e, 2d1 and 2d2 on Education and studying in the USA and scholarship programmes. The lecture was led by Ms Monika Laber from American Corner in Katowice.

We also listened to a lecture entitled Psycholinguistics: what happens in our brain when we speak – by Prof. Arkadiusz Rojczyk, from the Speech Processing Laboratory at the University of Silesia in Katowice. We could also hear about the latest research taking place in our speech after Covid-19.